【DREAM OF RED CHAMBER】Zeet Online Life Drawing Vol.173- EMILYAMIAO
Welcome to online themed costume life drawing, hosted by Zeet Studio!
part of the CLASSICS THEMES 2024/2-3 bundle
This wil be where you will find the Zoom link to the event,
Live recording of the 2024/3/23 DREAM OF RED CHAMBER themed life drawing with Model + Demo, after the live.
NOTE: this is an alternative for artists who cannot access the xiaoetong platform!
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Vol.173 ONLINE Zeet life drawing theme: DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER
3/23 (SAT)
3/22 (FRI)
Demo Artist: @emilyamiao
Model: 爱喝奶盖
The demo artist we invite this week is Emily, graduated from Sheridan, Emily is currently a storyboard artist at Disney Feature Animation, and working on her own comic!
This is the 5nd session of our 6 weeks LlTERATURE / MYTHOS themes life drawings!
A model of this week is 爱喝奶盖! Traditional Chinese fashion blogger and Hanfu model!
💡Gumroad link in Bio. You can sign up for current and past sessions, all include zoom link and recording afterwards. Tutorial in the pinned post!
Zoom/Youtube link of LIVE life drawing event Recording file (MP4)