【HARRY POTTER】Zeet Online Life Drawing Vol.172- HELEN JEE
Welcome to online themed costume life drawing, hosted by Zeet Studio!
part of the CLASSICS THEMES 2024/2-3 bundle
This wil be where you will find the Zoom link to the event,
Live recording of the 2024/3/16 harry potter themed life drawing with Model + Demo, after the live.
NOTE: this is an alternative for artists who cannot access the xiaoetong platform!
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Vol.172 ONLINE Zeet life drawing theme: HARRY POTTER
3/16 (SAT)
Demo Artist: @helenjeeeee
Model: @nerohellsing_
photographer for promo image: @dokura_photo
The demo artist we invite this week is Helen昭昭, graduated from the Visual Illustration graduate program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Enjoys drawing fan art and currently immersed in creating illustrations for Harry Potter. Also enjoys storytelling and drawing original characters (OCs). Illustrated a comic titled "Saleh the Guard" and a collection of preliminary animation works titled "Chasing Blue" for OCs. Working hard to find a job this year!!!
This is the 4nd session of our 6 weeks LlTERATURE / MYTHOS themes life drawings!
A model of this week is Nero, cosplayer, wigmaker and crafter with over 9 years of experience. He enjoy stage cosplay performances with his team for events and make photocosplay.
Zoom/Youtube link of LIVE life drawing event Recording file (MP4)